Work with me: Organisations
Compassionate, heart-led leadership makes common sense but it’s not common practice. Helping your people feel valued and confident, is not ‘motherhood and apple pie’ as I sometimes hear it referred to, but about creating the right environment to enable your people do their best thinking, their best work and really thrive. That’s what creates a high performing team and gets results. The nitty gritty, hard stuff.
It's also about being firm but fair, when needed. Being clear about expectations, holding people to account, managing poor performance. And communicating the vision, inspiring hope, influencing change and capturing the hearts and minds of your people.
There’s a lot to get right and it can feel tough being a manager, especially now we work in such a fast paced, dynamic and hybrid world, with constant change and never ending priorities.
Investing in leadership training and coaching for your managers helps support your managers to develop their self-awareness, confidence and impact. When delivered as an in-house programme, you also develop your leaders’ collective self-awareness, which becomes a vehicle for huge transformational shifts in your organisation. Managers stepping up, senior leaders letting go, creating a high trust, high performing culture. With clear ROI as sickness and turnover falls, engagement and the ability to attract and retain great people rises.
If you’re experiencing any of the following issues or ‘symptoms’, then focusing on creating the right culture and leadership is a critical next step.
Because culture ‘eats strategy for breakfast’.
And ‘leadership creates culture'
I can help you with
Low morale or inconsistent employee engagement levels
High levels of turnover and challenges attracting and retaining the right people
Lack of responsibility and accountability amongst your people
Silo working and lack of collaboration
A blame culture and little sign of innovation
Dysfunctional teams and/or toxic relationships
With extensive organisational development experience of creating positive, can-do cultures and leadership development, I support Organisations in a range ways:
Workshop/s to define your vision, culture and leadership for the future
Diagnostics to understand where your people are at now and create a tailored People and Culture strategy and roadmap to get you where you need to be
Design and deliver leadership and engagement interventions to create the mindset and behavioural change shifts needed. Including management and leadership workshops and development programmes, 360 feedback and 1:1 or group leadership coaching
Design and deliver talent programmes to grow your own leadership pipeline, including coaching and mentoring training
Create high performing teams, through team development interventions, using tools such as Clarity4D (Colours), MBTI (Myers Briggs) and Lencioni’s 5 dysfunctions of a team